Stay – Strong – Stretch

"Stay Strong Stretch"    Your experience with us is our priority, Stretch me by Let’s Relax would like to ensure that your health and wellness will be taken care of while spending your relaxing time with us. We would love to share with you that we have prepared a preventive...

FACTS about millennial’s lifestyles

FACT 1 We millennials sit in front of computer screens on average 9.5 hours a day* TRUTH People who work on a computer or laptop for a prolonged period has a much higher chance to develop 'Office Syndrome', a symptom where neck and back muscle feels stiff, ache or even...

Meet Our Certified Physical Therapists

Stretch me is the stretching studio that provides stretching and trigger point pressuring by the physicist. StretchMe treatment reduce muscle fatigue and pain. Our studio provides Stretching and Trigger Point relieving that help relax the Muscle as well as reduce muscle fatigue and pain. The service will be performed by...